The AMC-show surprised me in a good way. I've only seen the first season, and liked it. The writers took a different route and changed the story quite a bit. It worked, in my opinion. Great direction, amazing acting and fanastic zombies helped make this show a success. I'm excited about season 2, especially after all the behind-the-scenes-drama, and Frank Darabont's departure. From the reviews I've seen, it seems like the show is still good. The ratings are also great.
So, then it was only a matter of time before a computer game showed up. I've been a big fan of Tell Tall games, the creators behind the Walking Dead game. They caught my attention with their revival of pet detectives Sam and Max some years ago, and I've been so happy that they brought the adventure game back. Tell Tale continued with the amazing Tales of Monkey Island (where's season 2?!), and then the Back to the Future games. Unfortunately, the quality of these games got worse for each episode, and I only played the first two. I will finish it someday. Then came Jurassic Park, which I haven't played, but it wasn't received very well by critics or gamers.
Therefore, I was a bit sceptic about this Walking Dead game. But my hopes have been slightly raised after IGN showed some video footage from the game. Check out the first 4 minutes of the game, courtesy of IGN.
I'm loving the look and mood! Also, it seems they have taken to heart the criticism from the Jurrasic Park game. I am still slightly worried about playability - I don't want it to be a 100% QTE-game.
I'm especially intrigued by this clip, where the player can choose who to save. Hopefully this will change the course of the game throughout several episode, and create an immense replay value.
Take a look.
Looking cool, right? My expectations for this game are starting to go through the roof.
By the way, Tell Tale? Where is the promised King's Quest? I can't wait to see some footage from that game!
So, who's excited about this game?
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